Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Guy Wearing Shorts!

Mental block!!! Grrrrrr... Wait! Yes.. I can start writing again. Once a girl asked me, “When a guy tries to start a relationship with a girl and finds out that she has a boyfriend, what does he do? ” My answer was simple. I gave three answers,

1) He will forget about it

2) He will wait for it to break up

3) He will break it up

Then this got me thinking, we (guys) are interesting characters. All of the above answers give away the character of a guy. Forgetting can be perceived as being a looser, not ready to compete or may be he’s just a nice guy :D. Waiting till it breaks up shows that he is either jobless, cunning or that he’s a stalker. Breaking it up shows that he’s an ass, ruthless, ego driven guy who thinks that she’s the only girl in the world ;). Might I shud say to the guys who belong to the the 3rd option that Karma will hit back at you. So respect to Karma for being awesome.

But guys become vulnerable as well. Specially when it comes to break ups. If the same girl who asked me the above questioned asked “ How do guys react to break ups?” (in a female voice) I could say easy! There are several answers

1) Some are glad they broke up

2) Some look for a rebound

3) Some weep so much that the whole bathroom starts flooding

4) Some never get over it.

5) Some try to make the girl jealous

6) Some are normal guys (I will explain this guy later)

7) The others DON’T KNOW THAT THEY HAVE BROKEN UP... hehe (I don’t think I have to explain this guy to you!)

I cannot explain all these seven options. If I try to do that, I’ll get bored of writing this and probably go and sleep. I’ll explain the guy who weeps, normal and the one who tries to piss his ex.

The guy who weeps is the guy who has the hardest time getting over things. GUYS HAVE FEELINGS TO.... hehe.. But this is the guy that loved the girl like there is nothing else in the world. And when shit happens doesn’t know how to deal with it.

The normal guy is the one who feels powerless and aimless for awhile. But on one fine day when he awakes up, he knows that everything is going to be OK!

Pissing off the ex guy is the miserable one. Hehe.. I say miserable because why do you wont to act a lie and try to show your ex that he is doing better without her. For god sake, I don’t even think that she would even bother to even notice. This guy uses social networks to show off as well.

All I can say is that, every guy in the world has been that guy ( 1 to 7) in their lives. I believe that there is always a right person for every guy or girl. I mean right because no one is perfect, and people should stop looking for the perfect guy or girl.Perfection is a myth. Perfection is boring. The flaws that your partner has are the real key to the success of the relationship. Flaws bring about insecurity, and that’s where the partner comes to play. If he or she can love the fact that you have flaws, deal with it and understand it, that’s where the relationship works.

Ok! I watch romantic comedies.. guilty as charged. Heheh.. But I know that within the bullshit I’ve written, there is some truth.

Live your life! Don’t die wondering! Have fun!

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